Mystical Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
33 Battle Bow 25 Bow
32 Hunter Bow 15 Bow
31 Bow of Dusk One of the 2 bows made by an ancient hero. Bow of Dawn and Bow of Dusk. 62 Bow
30 Bow of Dawn One of the 2 bows made by an ancient hero. Bow of Dawn and Bow of Dusk 53 Bow
29 Recca Bow Bow taken from the burning hell 44 Bow
28 Meteor Bow Bow that fires arrows like meteors and comets 35 Bow
27 Tribal Bow Long-ranged bow made from animal parts. Small and easy to carry 30 Bow
26 Long Bow Long-ranged bow 20 Bow
25 Short Bow Short-ranged bow 10 Bow
24 Chest of Cabal Pirate King Online event chest. For top 100 players to reach Lv 60 in the shortest time. 0 Recovery Type
23 Delusion Sword 55 Sword
22 Crescent Sword 45 Sword
21 Charging Sword 55 Greatsword
20 Rebel Sword 45 Greatsword
19 Onyx Sword 80 Greatsword
18 Thunder Blade Legendary weapon with lightning properties 70 Greatsword
17 Bone Sword Made from dragon bone by a masterful blacksmith 60 Greatsword
16 Paladin Sword 50 Greatsword
15 Criss Sword Shape of a criss cross 40 Greatsword
14 Warrior Sword Sword use by warrior of valor 25 Greatsword
13 Two Handed Sword Requires 2 hand to wield due to its heavy weight. Higher damage than single hand weapon 15 Greatsword
12 Striking Sword 35 Sword
11 Steel Sword 25 Sword
10 Short Metal Sword 15 Sword
9 Newbie Sword 7 Sword
8 Newbie Knife 1 Sword
7 Sacro Sword 70 Sword
6 Wyrm Sword 60 Sword
5 Dazzling Sword 50 Sword
4 Serpentine Sword 40 Sword
3 Fencing Sword Sword made by western country. Light and fast 30 Sword
2 Long Sword Sword that is slightly longer 20 Sword
1 Short Sword Sword that is slightly shorter 10 Sword

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