Mystical Pirates Online - Items Database

Items Database

Id Name Description Level Type
7465 100,000 Reputation Card 100k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 100k rep! 0 Common item
7464 70,000 Reputation Card 70k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 70k rep! 0 Common item
7463 40,000 Reputation Card 40k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 40k rep! 0 Common item
7462 30,000 Reputation Card 30k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 30k rep! 0 Common item
7461 20,000 Reputation Card 20k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 20k rep! 0 Common item
7460 15,000 Reputation Card 15k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 15k rep! 0 Common item
7459 10,000 Reputation Card 10k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 10k rep! 0 Common item
7458 5,000 Reputation Card 5k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 5k rep! 0 Common item
7457 1,000 Reputation Card 1k Reputation Card. Double click me to obtain 1k rep! 0 Common item
7456 Ticket to Icicle(Sea) Teleport ticket to Icicle Sea 0 Recovery Type
7455 Ticket to Shaitan(Sea) Teleport ticket to Shaitan Sea 0 Recovery Type
7454 Ticket to Argent(Sea) Teleport ticket to Argent Sea 0 Recovery Type
7453 Halo Salvation Skill Card Double-click to learn Level-F Halo Salvation. Uses up 1 Lifeskill point. 0 34
7452 Energy Web Skill Card Double-click to learn Level-F Energy Web. Uses up 1 Lifeskill point. 0 34
7451 Energy Bulwark Skill Card Double-click to learn Level-F Energy Bulwark. Uses up 1 Lifeskill point. 0 34
7450 Covert Fog Skill Card Double-click to learn Level-F Covert Fog. Uses up 1 Lifeskill point. 0 34
7449 Vibe Slash Skill Card Double-click to learn Level-F Vibe Slash. Uses up 1 Lifeskill point. 0 34
7448 Sealed Fearless Chest Once you open me, you will obtain a random sealed fearless equipment. You must unseal it to obtain the unsealed fearless equipment 0 Recovery Type
7447 Unwanted Shield 0 Common item
7446 Rusted Gear 0 Common item
7445 Fractured Head 0 Common item
7444 Starter Chest 4 For new players! Open me to obtain a gemmed starter set! Note: The set cannot be traded/ extracted/ fused/ pliered to keep things fair. 0 Recovery Type
7443 Starter Chest 3 For new players! Open me to obtain a gemmed starter set! Note: The set cannot be traded/ extracted/ fused/ pliered to keep things fair. 0 Recovery Type
7442 Starter Chest 2 For new players! Open me to obtain a gemmed starter set! Note: The set cannot be traded/ extracted/ fused/ pliered to keep things fair. 0 Recovery Type
7441 Starter Shoes 1 Shoe
7440 Starter Gloves 1 Gloves
7439 Starter Vest 1 Armor
7438 Starter Knife 1 Sword
7437 Starter Chest 1 For new players! Open me to obtain a gemmed starter set! Note: The set cannot be traded/ extracted/ fused/ pliered to keep things fair. 0 Recovery Type
7432 Custom Wing Effect Card Once you have obtained me, send an email to with your 1 piece of apparel weapon texture and model files attached to the email! Thank you :) 0 Common item
7431 Custom Apparel Weapon Card Once you have obtained me, send an email to with your 1 piece of apparel weapon texture and model files attached to the email! Thank you :) 0 Common item
7430 Sealed Fearless Sword 10 Metal Pickaxe
7429 Sealed Fearless Gun Origins unknown. Rumored to be able to fire bullets with poison 10 Metal Pickaxe
7428 Sealed Fearless Bow It's no joke. This Ruler is a powerful weapon. 10 Metal Pickaxe
7427 Sealed Fearless Hammer Legendary weapon with lightning properties 10 Metal Pickaxe
7426 Sealed Fearless Dagger 10 Metal Pickaxe
7425 Sealed Fearless Staff 10 Metal Pickaxe
7424 Sealed Fearless Seal 10 Metal Pickaxe
7423 Sealed Fearless Blade 10 Metal Pickaxe
7422 Sealed Fearless Boots Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Metal Pickaxe
7421 Sealed Fearless Gloves Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Metal Pickaxe
7420 Sealed Fearless Armor Equipping complete set: Grant user a chance to ignore target's defense and drain HP based on damage dealt 10 Metal Pickaxe
7419 Gem Slot Card Bring me to any blacksmith in order to change the location of any gem in your equipment. 0 36
7418 Accessory Gems Bag Double click to obtain a random new accessory gem 0 Recovery Type
7417 Fleeing Shadow +10 Dodge. Can be forged in Rings Only 0 Gem
7416 Fission Scroll Item needed for apparel fission process at Blacksmith NPC. 0 60
7415 Custom Apparel Set Card Once you have obtained me, send an email to with your 4 pieces of apparel's set texture and model files attached to the email! Thank you :) 0 Common item
7414 Rare Shaitan Biscuit Double click to raise pet level by 1 spr. Cannot be used after pet is level 120. 0 Fairy
7413 Rare Argent Mango Double click to raise pet level by 1 con. Cannot be used after pet is level 120. 0 Fairy
7412 Rare Zephyr Fish Floss Double click to raise pet level by 1 acc. Cannot be used after pet is level 120. 0 Fairy

Level: from to

Level: From To